Saturday's a Party 04132019
Radiothon Special: 2019 SPRING VINYLTHON, Saturday April 13 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Vinylthon is 24 hours of vinyl music only over the airwaves. In addition to celebrating the contribution of vinyl records to broadcast radio, Vinylthon is also a fundraising event. This event is organized by the College Radio Foundation (an all-volunteer non-profit). Proceeds from Vinylthon allow grants to be made to college radio stations. These funds are used to keep the station on the air, purchase or repair equipment and train the next generation of radio broadcasters.
WUSB-FM will join in the celebration of the Fourth Annual Vinylthon by devoting the day's programming to music that can be found in those magical grooves of plastic. The groove starts at 12:00 a.m. with Kiki & Mike and the Horrorscope crew and continues until midnight. Old favorites and obscure gems will be mixed, matched and scratched.
One hundred and forty-two stations from ten countries will be participating in this event.
Who do you Love Quicksilver Messenger Service Happy Trails
Alison Slow dive Souvlaki
The Invisible Man
This is the middle of Vinylthon. Twenty-four hours of spinning records in the studio. This event started at 12:00 AM and will continue through midnight tonight, when it will be followed by The Invisible Show.
The Invisible Man (TIM) is your host until 3:00 PM today. The next host will be Gabe. In the studio today, I have a copilot.
TIM: Say hello to our radio audience and tell them who you are.
D: My name is Devin.
TIM: Devin, how many times have you been on the air?
D: Just a few times. This is my third time.
TIM: Well we are witnessing history right here. Glad to have you on the air.
The great thing about WUSB is the ability to recruit and train DJs from the student body as well as the local community. This helps the station build an interesting group of announcers.
As you know, your pledges are the best way to keep WUSB on the airwaves. Anything counts and helps us keep community radio alive. Give us a call at 1-631-632-6901 or toll-free 1-888-632-9872. And of course, you can PLEDGE ONLINE!
Melon Yellow Slow dive Souvlaki
Loop From Nowhere Skyline dive Birth of Spring
Lisova Pisnya Ukranian Canadian Students Union Kobza: Band USSR
The Forest Song VIA Kobza Featured 2
Oh Went on Sheaves VIA Kobza Featured 2